Enhancing Threat Intelligence Reporting

Sep 10, 2024

This blog was written by our Sr. Threat Intelligence Advisor, Kaiden McGuire

Threat intelligence reporting is arguably the most crucial aspect of any threat intelligence function. This serves as the vital communication channel through which your intel team can disseminate actionable insights gathered throughout the threat intelligence lifecycle. The ability to report on threats effectively not only ensures that stakeholders can act promptly but also supports strategic decision- making processes within an organization. In this blog post, we'll explore how Threatnote can enhance your threat intelligence reporting, making it more efficient, comprehensive, and impactful!

Key Components of Threat Intelligence Reporting

Every threat intelligence team has different requirements from stakeholders and writing styles, which changes the way that they produce intelligence reports. However, there are generally 6 key components of a threat intelligence report, that the analyst must address.

  1. Executive Summary

The Executive Summary provides a high-level overview that answers the who, what, when, where, and why of a threat. It is common practice in threat intelligence to use the bottom-line-up-front (BLUF) writing style, to convey the most important information first.

  1. Threat Analysis

In the Threat Analysis section, the analyst should focus on the threat overview and provide an in-depth analysis of all available information leading to the impact assessment. This part typically discusses information related to specific vulnerabilities, campaigns, adversary profiles, activity clusters, etc.

  1. Impact Assessment

An Impact Assessment provides readers with the potential or observed effects on their organization or customers. This includes potential financial losses, operational disruptions, reputational damage, data loss, and other relevant impacts. It is the analystʼs responsibility to ensure the reader understands why a threat is important and potential impact that the stakeholders may see if the threat is not mitigated.

  1. Recommendations & Mitigations

Based on the analyst's assessment, this section offers carefully considered Recommendations and Mitigations. It provides actionable steps for stakeholders to defend against specific threats, such as applying patches, enhancing monitoring, blocking indicators of compromise, and setting up detection rules.

  1. Supporting Data Supporting Data

Threatnote offers readers additional, usually more technical, information to back up recommendations. This section typically includes indicators of compromise (IOCs), tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs).

  1. Conclusion

In the Conclusion, analysts should recap key points, restate the impact, and outline immediate next steps or areas for further investigation and monitoring.

Many teams also leverage a style guide to standardize intelligence reporting across all analysts to deliver uniform and consistent reports to their stakeholders. Effective threat intelligence reporting should facilitate the translation of raw data into actionable insights, helping organizations understand the threat landscape, prioritize risks, and allocate resources effectively. A well-crafted report has to be be clear, concise, and tailored to its audience, whether thatʼs a C-suite executive, a security operations center (SOC) analyst, or a partner organization.

Common Challenges in Threat Intelligence Reporting

Despite its importance, threat intelligence reporting often faces several challenges. These challenges can limit the effectiveness of the intelligence function and leave organizations vulnerable to threats.

  1. Data Overload Security teams often face an influx of data from various sources, making it challenging to identify critical information. This overload can result in incomplete or inaccurate reports, hindering an organization's ability to respond effectively to threats.

  2. Lack of Standardization Without a standardized reporting format, intelligence reports may vary in quality and completeness. This inconsistency can lead to confusion and diminish the report's effectiveness, especially when shared across different teams or organizations.

  3. Time Constraints The fast-paced nature of cyber threats demands quick action. However, creating detailed and accurate reports is time-consuming, limiting analysts' ability to focus on other crucial tasks.

  4. Poor Stakeholder Communication & Minimal Feedback Threat intelligence teams often struggle to communicate with and gather valuable feedback from their stakeholders. This lack of input leaves teams uncertain about how to improve their reporting to meet stakeholder expectations.

How Threatnote Enhances Threat Intelligence Reporting

Threatnote is designed to address these challenges and enhance the overall threat intelligence reporting process. By providing a user-friendly platform with advanced features, Threatnote enables teams to create, manage, and share threat intelligence reports more effectively.

Enhanced Stakeholder Communication

Threatnote has just introduced an innovative chat feature that facilitates communication between threat intelligence teams and their stakeholders. This new functionality allows analysts to engage in real-time conversations with various stakeholder groups directly within the platform, providing threat intelligence teams with:

Direct stakeholder engagement: Analysts can now chat with different stakeholder groups defined by the team, such as executives, IT teams, or security operations, fostering quick and efficient communication.

Rapid information sharing: The chat feature enables swift dissemination of threat intelligence reports and other critical data to relevant stakeholders, ensuring timely action.

Contextual discussions: Stakeholders can ask questions or seek clarifications about specific reports or threats, leading to more informed decision-making.

Streamlined feedback loop: The chat feature facilitates immediate feedback from stakeholders, syncing with the existing Feedback Loop feature, allowing analysts to refine their intelligence products more effectively. Through this feature, teams are significantly improving the speed and efficiency of stakeholder communication, ultimately enhancing the organization's ability to respond to and mitigate potential threats.

Streamlined Report Generation & Dissemination

Time constraints are a significant challenge in threat intelligence reporting, but Threatnote addresses this with its streamlined report creation process. The platform provides analysts with tools and templates that simplify the report generation process, allowing them to focus more on analyzing and interpreting the data. Not only does this speed up the reporting process but it also ensures that reports are delivered on time, as threats evolve. By reducing the time spent on formatting and structuring reports, analysts can dedicate more effort to providing valuable insights and actionable intelligence for their stakeholders.

Centralized Collection

Threatnote offers a centralized platform where security teams can easily manage and organize threat data. The platform integrates with various threat intelligence sources, allowing teams to quickly collect and correlate data. This streamlined data management reduces the risk of information overload and ensures that only the most relevant data is included in reports.

Standardized Reporting Templates

To overcome the lack of standardization, Threatnote provides customizable reporting templates. These templates are designed to ensure consistency and clarity across all reports, making it easier for stakeholders to understand and act on the information presented. Whether youʼre reporting on malware, phishing campaigns, or advanced persistent threats (APTs), Threatnoteʼs templates can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your organization. Additionally, Threatnote Insert chat feature provides the ability to create and track a intelligence report writing style guide to allow for consistent reporting across the team.

Stakeholder Feedback Loop

Threatnote addresses the challenge of minimal feedback with its innovative stakeholder feedback loop feature. This feature is designed to bridge the gap between threat intelligence teams and their stakeholders, ensuring that intelligence reports are not only delivered but also effectively utilized and improved over time. By implementing this comprehensive feedback loop, Threatnote enables threat intelligence teams to continuously refine their reporting based on stakeholder needs. This not only improves the quality and relevance of threat intelligence reports but also strengthens the relationship between the intelligence team and its stakeholders, fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement in the organization's threat intelligence function.


Effective threat intelligence reporting is a critical component of a successful threat intelligence program. These reports serve as the primary medium for communicating essential insights that help organizations protect themselves against evolving cyber threats. Threatnote enhances security teams' reporting capabilities by addressing common challenges in the field. The platform ensures that intelligence is not only actionable but also delivered efficiently and in a timely manner. By leveraging Threatnote, organizations can improve their threat awareness, make data-driven decisions, and ultimately strengthen their cybersecurity posture in today's complex threat landscape.


  1. How does Threatnote integrate with other threat intelligence tools?

    1. Threatnote integrates seamlessly with various threat intelligence sources and tools, allowing for streamlined data collection and analysis.

  2. Can Threatnote's templates be customized for different types of reports?

    1. Yes, Threatnote.io offers customizable templates that can be tailored to suit the specific reporting needs of your organization.

  3. Is it possible to automate report generation with Threatnote?

    1. Absolutely. Threatnote's automated workflows enable the quick and efficient generation of threat intelligence reports.

  4. How does Threatnote ensure the security of shared intelligence?

    1. Threatnote uses secure sharing features, ensuring that intelligence reports are only accessible to authorized stakeholders.

  5. What support does Threatnote offer for collaborative report creation?

    1. Threatnote provides secure collaboration features, allowing multiple team members to contribute to reports in real time, including our new real-time chat feature to communicate with stakeholders and internal team members.


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